Wednesday, March 23, 2022

CALL FOR PHOTOS: W.E. Show photos!!

Your Working Equitation BOD is working on some marketing materials to showcase our wonderful sport. We want to feature high resolution photos of people in show attire riding in different attire and tack and in different phases of the sport. We'll be selecting four final photos that represent our diverse equine

The Criteria for photos are:

  • - Photo must be very clear, with rider preferably in show type attire and horse in presentable condition 
  • - Busy backgrounds are difficult to work with
  • - We'll need high resolution photos for the four selected
  • - The photographer must agree to allow usage for publication (we can pay a reasonable fee to purchase the photo if needed, or if it hasn't already been purchased)
  • - The subject of the photo must also sign a publication release


If you get photos to me, I will forward them on.

Bring it!!!

1 comment:

  1. I have some photos to share- where should we send them?
